Inspiring blogs to help promote your business, organization, or vision.

in News

Dear Entrepreneur/Business owner,

We would like to wish you a Happy New Year from the warmest place in our hearts here at NewLife Project Inc.

NewLife Project Inc. is a not-for-profit organization seeking to transform the lives of women and youth through education and entrepreneurship programs. As part of our programs, we propose, suggest and discuss avenues of self-empowerment for women and youth in the North American region and abroad. We also provide our beneficiaries with the opportunity to explore their capabilities by participating in online forums, workshops, and vocational skills training.

This year, we have decided to give back to our community by allowing other entrepreneurs to have an opportunity to participate in our NewLife Inspirational Blog. On this blog, small business owners or entrepreneurs would be given a chance to inspire other small businesses worldwide while gaining much-needed exposure to their business through our audiences who visit our website and social media pages. 

Those who wish to participate will submit a two-minute video and a maximum of three hundred words of written inspirational quotes, to be posted on our website and subject to editing, with your approval. This gesture, we believe, would provide these business owners or entrepreneurs with a perfect space to market and sell their goods and services while inspiring people all over the world. At NewLife Project Inc., we believe in helping others grow as we also climb the ladder of success. 

For more information on how to participate or take advantage of this service, kindly contact us at, copy or call us at (613) 699-7205. Kindly note that this service is entirely free.